Nnbook titles and author puns

True, and wait until you see the titles of their books. Daft authors and book titles mumblingnerds mumbling blog. These funny book titles are all made up of course but theyre sure to get you giggling. Because when hes around, theres a pair of dice lost. Funny book titles and authors names lighter side of transinterp. Inside stories about sierra online and leisure suit larry. Read funny book titles from the story random jokes by screaminbloodymurder grace with 5798 reads. Popsugar 2020 a book with a pun in the title 7 books. Humorously related to the funny names, these title author puns are sure to amuse. Spam or selfpromotional the list is spam or selfpromotional. Books never written jokes laugh at 100s of punny books and. The top ten humorous book titles and their authors.

Some of our puns on readytoorder items, using our artwork. Ive taken many of our name puns and some others, and created name pun author jokes where the title of the book relates to the authors name in a humorous way. Have fun with this collection of funny book title jokes. Incorrect book the list contains an incorrect book please specify the title of the book. Heres 8 funny book titles with their puntastic authors. Make sure to pay close attention to the authors of these punny books. What do you call someone who writes a bestselling book. Those given to me may be altered to some degree to, imho. Why is john milton a terrible guest at game nights. It contains hundreds of book titles with humorous name pun authors.